Posted 2/16/2022
The South Dakota Department of Transportation is asking for your feedback on our Public Involvement Plan (PIP). The PIP is a critical guidance document to ensure SDDOT meaningfully engages with the public and stakeholders on transportation projects throughout South Dakota.
The PIP frames how we involve and inform your community, agencies, and the public about SDDOT’s transportation planning, project development and construction, environmental impacts, key issues, and actions. It outlines the steps and processes we will follow and tools by which to engage.
We welcome your feedback on a plan that will shape and enable future public involvement and community engagement efforts, and our transportation system across South Dakota.
Please provide your feedback on this open forum with comments, questions, concerns, and/or positivity on the Public Involvement Plan. The 45-day comment period closes on April 1, 2022.
For further information or any questions, please contact
Thank you for your support and feedback during this process. You are a valuable partner in this key process for South Dakota’s future transportation.